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Donations from Germany

Our German non-profit partner is the Maecenata Stiftung Berlin, which manages German donations on behalf of the Arvo Pärt Centre.


Donations from Germany can be completed online through the online form at Maecenata Stiftung Berlin: HERE

Wire Transfer

Account name: Maecenata Stiftung
Bank: Bankhaus Löbbecke
IBAN: DE89 1003 0500 1061 0007 01
Details: TG18038, Arvo Paert Centre, (address of the donator for the tax receipt)

Tax Information

Your donation through the Maecenata foundation is tax deductible. If you provide us with your contact details, we can automatically issue a tax receipt for you. You will need a tax receipt in any case if the donation is over 200 euros.

For donations up to 200 euros a simple contribution verification is sufficient. Please use this method to save postage and administration costs. Download document here.

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